It’s hard to write this post due to the flood of emotions I feel over the recent news. No one ever knows when or why all the good ones go early, but it hurts just the same. Nipsey Hussle was the first West Coast music artist I built a working relationship with. At the time I was managing the EF Lifestyle blog, and Nipsey supported us by giving us multiple interviews, an opportunity to get to know you. I’m forever grateful for the times we talked, worked in the studio, and all the inspiration you’ve given so freely over the years. It’s been exactly 10 years since this interview, the progress you’ve made during that time is legendary.

This news hurts, makes me feel sick to my stomach, angry, vengeful, violent, and all around low vibration. This is exactly what “they” want. Instead of giving them what they want, we must raise our vibration even higher and honor our brother in the highest regard! You will never be forgotten because the spirit is eternal. I remember when you met us at Howard University for an interview, you were fearless, being that DC was new turf for you. We even lit a few paper planes on the yard then bounced to the studio right after. I’ll never forget these moments and how you helped elevate our platform and show your overstanding of balanced reciprocity.

You are now dwelling in the real world Nipsey, you’ve left the matrix and can now watch over us all. I pray that your family/friends can hold strong in faith and spirit. I’ve already shed a few tears for you bro, kindred spirits indeed. May JAH bless and guide your spirit during this transition, blessings king.
*If you’re having a hard time with this like I am, the video below may provide some comfort and perspective. Move in spirit, act in love.