大麻 マリファナ カンナビス – Cannabis in Japan

大麻合法化活動を行う、日本のトップアクティビストの秘密集会に潜入! 古来日本と大麻の意外な接点、大麻規制法、医療大麻としてのポテンシャル。徹底した”ダメ!絶対!”政策のウラに隠されたものとは……?

Vice travels to Nagano to interview key players in Japan’s legalize Cannabis movement. They talk to us about their cause, their experiences with the law, how cannabis has helped some of them overcome serious illness, and the possibility for changing Japan’s harsh drug policies. We also pay a visit to the Hemp Museum in Miasa Mura to learn more about Japan’s historic and forgotten relationship to the forbidden plant.