Finally Found Some Hu Gu Jiu Tiger Bones!

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We posted on this ancient herbal beverage a few weeks back but could not find it in stock anywhere! This was probably due to the recent Drink Champs promo this beverage has received. It wasn’t until a recent expedition to Bridgeport, Connecticut that we found P-1 Jamaican Juice bar. You KNOW this is a legit Jamaican spot because they had every herbal tonic drink I’ve ever heard of, the seamoss was in full abundance. Imagine an entire 30+ item menu of all seamoss beverages, paradise!

While the Ras brethren was fixing my seamoss shake, I noticed he put a shot of strange liquid in the blender. Upon second glance I recognized the bottle this brown liquid was in…it was Tiger Bones! Too amped to resist, I immediately asked what it was and once confirmed I ordered three shots for my brethren to try out.

Review: Man oh man. You al know me and how I hate the taste of liquor. Well tiger bones tasted like a shot of whiskey plus bitter herbs making for quite the combo you did not want to savor. I took my shot around 5pm and felt quite calm and relaxed for the rest of the evening. I can see why kung-fu masters would use this beverage to relax despite the off-putting taste.

Recommend: I recommend you try this to get the experience. If the taste of liquor doesn’t bother you, you may enjoy it. I’m actually going to buy a bottle to have on deck in the DFFRNTWRLD creative space. So come on by and have a shot!


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